Membership Information

Membership Eligibility

Eligibility Information

All postal or federal employees may make application for membership in this organization. Each member of the Alliance must belong to the local in the postal or federal installation where he or she is employed. At installations where no local has been established, employees shall belong to the nearest local within their district, except that present members-at-large may remain as such.

Membership Divisions

  • The Retirees' division is composed of members who are retired or meet the qualifications described in Article III, Section 4f. of the Constitution.
  • The Management Division is composed of members who hold supervisory positions.


NAPFE MAGAZINE Alliance Magazine keeps the membership informed as to what transpires in the Postal and other branches of the Federal Service.


NAPFE NEWSLETTERNAPFE Newsletter: featuring information on Postal, Federal Employees, and Veterans. it covers Health tips, Labor Relations, Global Affairs, Latest Developments, and other topics of interest.

The National Alliance is a union of people who serve the Nation as rank and file employees in the federal and or postal service. The motto of the Alliance "Ad Mortem Fidelis" (Faithful unto Death) is fulfilled by the Union in all its activities for its members.

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